11 February 2019

How to make french toast with the least effort possible

Breakfast... we all probably have this love/hate relationship with it, I know I do. Especially when I have to get up early and flee my house real quick, I definitely don't make time to get some breakfast ready. But in weekends I have come to cherish breakfast, especially now that I've rediscovered these amazing sugar bombs.
I used to have french toast sometimes as a child but it never really stuck, until recently when I was craving them so badly that I grabbed the stuff I had lying around to make them! It's so easy and absolutely delicious which is why I felt the need to share the recipe with you. I would forever feel guilty if I didn't, haha!

So, let's talk about how to make these bitches... yes. in Dutch french toast is called wentelteefjes, which literally translates to turning bitches. I think that's quite funny.

• bread (however many slices you want to eat)
• some milk
• cinnamon
• sugar
• some butter for baking

How to make them:
Get your slice of bread, lay it down on a plate and pour some milk over it, just enough to cover the bread but it doesn't have to drown in it! We still want to have some crunch. :)

Sprinkle cinnamon over it, flip the bread and repeat this on the other side.

Put some butter in your frying pan and place the bread on it. Shake the pan from time to time, like you do with pancakes, and flip it one or two times. It works best when you add some extra butter when you flip the bread to the other side, that way both sides are buttered and won't really stick to the pan.

When you feel like it's ready, place it on a plate and pour a bunch of sugar over it, I'm sure you could also use powdered sugar or honey, or other sweet things! Enjoy!

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